Will I lose weight if I eat 1,600 calories a day? - Natural Way to Reduce Weight - Guaranteed Ways to Lose Weight Permanently



Thursday 12 January 2023

Will I lose weight if I eat 1,600 calories a day?


More and more people follow an eating plan to feel better about themselves and achieve a healthy weight naturally. Weight loss is achieved with a balanced diet and combining it with an exercise routine.

Diet of 1600 Kcal per day, what does it consist of?

This hypocaloric diet is a great option to reach the desired weight in a healthy way and consuming less than 1600 Kcal per day.

When going on a diet it is important to be psyched up and not go hungry. The main problem is accustoming the body to it, the first two weeks will be the most difficult, but if you pass them, you will see that the rest is easier.

Since no type of food is excluded, your body will always have the necessary proteins and carbohydrates for good health and energy. It is also a diet low in calories, sugar and fat. By obtaining the nutrients to function properly, it is perfect to practice physical activity at least 3 days a week.

Keep in mind that it is not a miraculous diet in which you can lose weight in a short time, the main objective is to create a routine and change those eating habits that in the long run harm your health and do not allow you to achieve the ideal figure.

The best foods for a healthy diet

Fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products play an important role, as do protein foods such as shellfish, lean meats, eggs, and legumes. It is important not to forget to drink at least 2 liters of water a day to be properly hydrated.

In meats, turkey stands out , since it is the one with the least concentration of fats, in addition, when cooking it, it loses carbohydrates.

Bean sprouts are the ideal complement to almost any meal and provide a large amount of minerals. They are also a powerful antioxidant and are capable of preventing osteoporosis and breast cancer.

Mushrooms contain a lot of water and little fat, making them ideal for weight loss diets.

They provide vitamin A, potassium and phosphorus.

The best food in iron are beans, which prevent the appearance of anemia thanks to its high content of vitamin B.

Cheese has been prepared for thousands of years and contains different properties depending on its composition and manufacturing process, but it is a source of vitamin B12 and vitamin A.


What foods should you avoid?

Just as there are foods that are healthier than others in a diet, there will always be some that you should avoid, such as white bread. Why? Because it actually provides very little nutritional value and is full of carbohydrates.

Energy bars, even though they are made from grains, have a large amount of sweeteners that are best avoided.

The best oil is extra virgin olive oil, since the vegetable is highly processed and is not good for the body.

Whole milk contains a large amount of fat, although if you need more calcium in your diet, it is possible to incorporate it in small doses.

Sausages are a source of fat and experts advise you to eat them very rarely. The best way to get rid of the overalls is to get some turkey or chicken breast.

Weekly menu for a diet of 1600 Kcal per day

1) Monday

  • Breakfast: Coffee with semi-skimmed milk and 2 toasts with grated tomato and oil
  • Mid-morning: 1 orange
  • Lunch: Chickpeas with seasonal mushrooms
  • Snack: 1 skimmed yogurt
  • Dinner: Hake in green sauce with clams and prawns

2) Mars

  • Breakfast: Cereals and semi-skimmed milk. Natural orange juice
  • Mid-Morning: Turkey Sandwich
  • Lunch: Montillana-style artichokes with ham
  • Snack: Coffee with semi-skimmed milk
  • Dinner: Green beans in tomato sauce

3) Wednesday

  • Breakfast: Tea and two toasts with light butter
  • Mid-morning: 1 apple
  • Food: Squid in sauce
  • Snack: Fresh skimmed cheese
  • Dinner: Zucchini cream

4) Thursday

  • Breakfast: Natural orange juice and two toasts with grated tomato and oil
  • Mid-morning: 1 pear
  • Lunch: Peas with ham
  • Snack: 1 skimmed yogurt
  • Dinner: Vegan eggplant bolognese with cauliflower béchamel

5) Friday

  • Breakfast: coffee with semi-skimmed milk and toast with light butter
  • Mid-morning: York ham sandwich
  • Lunch: Spinach with chickpeas
  • Snack: 1 gelatin yogurt
  • Cena: Quinoa tabbouleh

6) Saturday

  • Breakfast: Cereals and semi-skimmed milk. Natural orange juice
  • Mid-morning: 1 orange
  • Food: Hake in cava with prawns
  • Snack: Coffee with semi-skimmed milk
  • Dinner: Sautéed asparagus with mushrooms

7) Sunday

  • Breakfast: Natural orange juice and two toasts with light jam
  • Mid-morning: 1 peach
  • Lunch: Pork tenderloin in fine wine sauce
  • Snack: Fresh skimmed cheese
  • Dinner: Provençal-style sautéed vegetables

Is this diet suitable for everyone?

This diet is intended for people who have an energy expenditure of approximately 1900 Kcal, who are sedentary or who make moderate physical effort per day. The goal is to reach the average of 1 kg or 1.5 kg lost per week, especially in terms of fat.

With this menu together with a training program you will see that it is very easy to achieve the desired muscle mass and lose weight in a healthy way.

If you prefer, you can also count on the menus to lose weight healthily

that we offer with healthy, natural and homemade dishes so that you can maintain your ideal weight while enjoying the best foods.

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